100% Guarantee Windows 8.1 Activation

 Hello everyone, in this article, we will activate your computer with windows 8 or windows 8.1 operating system. Let's get started right away.

  First, we copy the following codes. And we disable our virus programs, if any.

[@echo off

title Activate Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 ALL versions for FREE!&cls&echo ============================================================================&echo #Project: Activating Microsoft software products for FREE without software&echo ============================================================================&echo.&echo #Supported products:&echo - Windows 8 Core&echo - Windows 8 Core Single Language&echo - Windows 8 Professional&echo - Windows 8 Professional N&echo - Windows 8 Professional WMC&echo - Windows 8 Enterprise&echo - Windows 8 Enterprise N&echo - Windows 8.1 Core&echo - Windows 8.1 Core N&echo - Windows 8.1 Core Single Language&echo - Windows 8.1 Professional&echo - Windows 8.1 Professional N&echo - Windows 8.1 Professional WMC&echo - Windows 8.1 Enterprise&echo - Windows 8.1 Enterprise N&echo.&echo.&echo ============================================================================&echo Activating your Windows...&cscript //nologo slmgr.vbs /ckms >nul&cscript //nologo slmgr.vbs /upk >nul&cscript //nologo slmgr.vbs /cpky >nul&set i=1&wmic os | findstr /I "enterprise" >nul
if %errorlevel% EQU 0 (cscript //nologo slmgr.vbs /ipk MHF9N-XY6XB-WVXMC-BTDCT-MKKG7 >nul&cscript //nologo slmgr.vbs /ipk TT4HM-HN7YT-62K67-RGRQJ-JFFXW >nul&cscript //nologo slmgr.vbs /ipk 32JNW-9KQ84-P47T8-D8GGY-CWCK7 >nul&cscript //nologo slmgr.vbs /ipk JMNMF-RHW7P-DMY6X-RF3DR-X2BQT >nul&goto server) else (cscript //nologo slmgr.vbs /ipk GCRJD-8NW9H-F2CDX-CCM8D-9D6T9 >nul&cscript //nologo slmgr.vbs /ipk HMCNV-VVBFX-7HMBH-CTY9B-B4FXY >nul&cscript //nologo slmgr.vbs /ipk NG4HW-VH26C-733KW-K6F98-J8CK4 >nul&cscript //nologo slmgr.vbs /ipk XCVCF-2NXM9-723PB-MHCB7-2RYQQ >nul&cscript //nologo slmgr.vbs /ipk BN3D2-R7TKB-3YPBD-8DRP2-27GG4 >nul&cscript //nologo slmgr.vbs /ipk 2WN2H-YGCQR-KFX6K-CD6TF-84YXQ >nul&cscript //nologo slmgr.vbs /ipk GNBB8-YVD74-QJHX6-27H4K-8QHDG >nul&cscript //nologo slmgr.vbs /ipk M9Q9P-WNJJT-6PXPY-DWX8H-6XWKK >nul&cscript //nologo slmgr.vbs /ipk 7B9N3-D94CG-YTVHR-QBPX3-RJP64 >nul&cscript //nologo slmgr.vbs /ipk BB6NG-PQ82V-VRDPW-8XVD2-V8P66 >nul&cscript //nologo slmgr.vbs /ipk 789NJ-TQK6T-6XTH8-J39CJ-J8D3P >nul)
if %i%==1 set KMS_Sev=kms7.MSGuides.com
if %i%==2 set KMS_Sev=kms8.MSGuides.com
if %i%==3 set KMS_Sev=kms9.MSGuides.com
if %i%==4 goto notsupported
cscript //nologo slmgr.vbs /skms %KMS_Sev%:1688 >nul&echo ============================================================================&echo.&echo.
cscript //nologo slmgr.vbs /ato | find /i "successfully" && (echo.&echo ============================================================================&echo.&echo #My official blog: MSGuides.com&echo.&echo #How it works: bit.ly/kms-server&echo.&echo #Please feel free to contact me at msguides.com@gmail.com if you have any questions or concerns.&echo.&echo #Please consider supporting this project: donate.msguides.com&echo #Your support is helping me keep my servers running everyday!&echo.&echo ============================================================================&choice /n /c YN /m "Would you like to visit my blog [Y,N]?" & if errorlevel 2 exit) || (echo The connection to my KMS server failed! Trying to connect to another one... & echo Please wait... & echo. & echo. & set /a i+=1 & goto server)
explorer "http://MSGuides.com"&goto halt
echo ============================================================================&echo.&echo Sorry! Your version is not supported.
pause >nul]

Then we come to the desktop and create a new text document. We paste it here. Then we click save as. Here we rename it to "windows.cmd" and select the file type as all files. We save it to the desktop.
   A cmd extension program will come to our desktop, we run it as an administrator. After the process is complete, we restart our computer and our activation process is completed.

   If this method does not work, you can follow the video below and apply the other method. See you in the next article...

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